Play Up/Down Request

I understand that requesting to have my child play-up/down does not guarantee the ability to make a team and understand that even if a player makes a play-up/down team, EYB reserves the right to reverse that decision for any reason  at  any  time. The EYB Board of Directors will determine if/when the child is able to play-up/down based on a variety of considerations, including but not limited to: physical ability, skill, age, experience, coach-ability, team size and team dynamics. I understand that the EYB recommends that players stay in the age groupings defined  by  Cal  Ripken Baseball as appropriate for their birth year. I understand and appreciate that in playing-up, the risk of injury may be greater.  

By my child’s participation, I  KNOWINGLY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, both known and unknown. Further, I agree to indemnify and hold EYB, and Cal Ripken Baseball, harmless from any and all liability, loss, expense, or claims for injury or damages caused as a result of my request.

Player/Participant Name
Player Birth Date
Open the calendar popup.
Desired Division
Parent/Guardian Name
Parent Email address
I understand and agree to accept these conditions of participation. By submitting this request you also acknowledge your son/daughter still needs to be evaluated to Play-Up. There are no guarantees.

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