Eastmont Youth Baseball follows a "Zero Tolerance" policy regarding inappropriate behavior. This policy encompasses all interactions during the course of the season, which includes but is not limited to practices, games, tournaments, all stars or any other league sponsored events.
The league, coaches, umpires, parents and fans must make it a priority to promote fair play, good sportsmanship and to teach our children how to play the game the correct way. Too often, we as adults can forget this goal of youth sports. For the purpose of this policy, "spectator" encompasses and is not limited to players, coaches, parents, guardians, family, friends and fans. Parents/Guardians are required to read and understand this form. Our "Code of Conduct" policy is stated below:
1) It is the duty of all managers/coaches to control their players and spectators at all times.
2) Spectators shall control emotions, emphasize the ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct and fair play.
3) Cursing, obscene or threatening gestures or language, harassment of any kind, malicious or personal remarks between opponents, players spectators or officials on or off the field will not be tolerated and will be subject to disciplinary action. Anyone in violation will be immediately removed from the field or field area and forbidden to return until disciplinary action(s)/decision(s) have been made. If it's not positive, please refrain from saying it, especially around the youth on the fields.
4) We will NOT question umpires' calls. only HEAD coaches are allowed to address umpires and ANY time.
5) Spectators will help emphasize team spirit, team unity and team effort for team success.
6) EYB Board, umpires and all coaching staff are responsible for enforcing the rules and regulations on and off the playing field. Decisions made by the EYB Board regarding conduct are final.
7) Spectators will remain off the field and out of the dugouts unless invited by the head coach.
8) Concerns, questions or ideas any spectator has for any coach should be handled tactfully away from the field and away from the players.
9) Any and all questions, concerns or reports regarding a disciplinary problem(s) or action(s) can be directed in person to any EYB Board Member or by email at "EastmontYB@Gmail.com." Any and all information and concerns are striclty confidentlial and will not be shared with anyone other than the parties directly involved.
10) If a spectator needs to be removed from the stands, it will be the coach's responsibility (from either team) to ask the individual(s) to leave. If the individual(s) refuse, the offending team will forfeit the game. The individual will also be suspended from the following game. Multiple occurrences will result in permanent suspension.
Our Organizations' goal is to ensure that our players, coaches, teams and parents have the best baseball experience possible. We believe taht adherence to the above rules should ensure this goal. Realistically, there may be times that disciplinary action will need to be taken: Any EYB Board Member, Commissioner or any on duty umpire can remove a spectator (or guest of a spectator) that acts in an inappropriate manner from the ballpark/facility. Repeat violations may lead to a full season, one year suspension and in severe cases, permanent suspension.
By choosing to participate in Eastmont Youth Baseball, you are agreeing to the Policies Detailed Above.